Can bearded dragons eat grass?

bearded dragon, grass and a text saying "can bearded dragons eat grass?"

Bearded Dragons And Grass:  What You Need To Know

Bearded dragons evolved to have in having a particular digestive tract. With their diet comprising 80% insects, bearded dragons don’t need a lot of plant matter, including grass, to survive.  The answer is not black and white as with other potential food sources.

This article will explore if bearded dragons can eat grass, the benefits and risks of feeding grass to your beardie, information about your bearded dragon’s digestive tract, and much more.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grass

So, can your bearded dragon eat grass?  The blunt answer to the question is that your bearded dragon will not die from eating grass 

It is okay if your bearded dragon nibbles on some grass during playtime, but do not feed it to him for sustenance or nutritional value.

Do not allow your bearded dragon to play in areas treated with pesticides and chemicals.  Bearded dragons are likely to munch on the grass where they are playing; you don’t want them to get poisoned by the chemicals used on the grass.

Bearded Dragon’s Digestive Tract

Grass is difficult for bearded dragons to digest.  Most animals that eat grass have a digestive system designed explicitly for them. 

Bearded dragons do not have the appropriate digestive tract to break down and use grass for nutrients.  This makes it extremely difficult to consume.  

What Happens When Bearded Dragons Overeat Grass?

When your bearded dragon over eats lawn grass, it can be very dangerous.  The excess amount of fiber might cause some gastrointestinal issues such as constipation.  Constipation can be fatal to your bearded dragon.

If it seems that your bearded dragons might be suffering from any digestive or stomach issues, we highly recommend you take your beardies to the vet immediately.

Other consequences of eating grass include.  Your beardie will fill from eating grass and won’t have the appetite to eat food relevant to its health.

Risks Off Feeding Grass To Your Bearded Dragon.

There are several reasons why your bearded dragon should not eat grass for nutrition purposes.

Grass does not add much in the sense of nutritional value.  It is also difficult for your bearded dragon to digest. Grass can make your bearded dragon fat without having much nutritional value.


Pesticides are a significant threat when bearded dragons eat grass.  Pesticides can not only kill your bearded pet dragon, but they can create havoc with their hormone production and regulation.  Chemicals can affect their ability to reproduce and disrupt their behavior.

If you buy a new house or go to a park, do not allow your pet bearded dragon to eat the grass.  Some pesticides can stay on the grass for seven years and are called persistent pesticides.

Lack of Nutritional Value

You might think twice before you put regular grass in your bearded dragon’s salad bowl.  An insufficient amount of healthy nutrients can lead to growth issues end lethargy.

Adult dragons and young beardies need greens in their diet, but backyard grass is not the solution.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grass In The Wild?

Bearded dragon owners should know that a pet beardie eats 80% insect and 20% of plant matter in their natural habitat.  They will eat grass if they are hard-pressed for it, but they will not do so often.

The word grass refers to a wide variety of plants.  Bearded dragons live in a dry environment, and the grass is dry and unattractive for beardies to eat.

The grass in your yard is nothing like the beardies are used to.  This grass is likely to have no nutritional value.  Wild grass offers some nutritional value since it has not been domestically bred.

Can Baby Bearded Dragons Eat Grass?

Bearded dragons are considered omnivores, but your baby bearded dragon tend to be 80% carnivorous.  This is because baby dragons and juvenile bearded dragons are still growing.

Baby beardies mainly concentrate on catching insects, but if there is a piece of grass attached, they don’t mind eating it. If you see your beardie munching on grass, don’t worry, it shouldn’t be a problem. 

The abovementioned is valid as long as your beardie does not overeat grass, and the grass is pesticide and chemical-free.  These chemicals can cause serious health issues.

Final Thought

We’ve given you an explanation to the question: “Should bearded dragons consume grass?”.  Grass has insufficient nutrients to cater to the nutritional needs of bearded dragons.  When you decide it is ok for your beardie to eat grass, you must always make sure it is pesticide and chemical-free.

We suggest that you include collard greens, parsley, sweet potatoes, dandelions, etc.

Always remember to read about any new food you want to include in your bearded dragon’s diet.  Even food that seems the healthiest can be health risks.

Continue to read our main article “What do Bearded Dragons Eat?” for all the ins and outs on general diet questions, and get a further detailed breakdown of other popular foods in the articles below:

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