Thumbs Up Or Down For Wax Worms In Beardie’s Diet
We give a thumbs up to the inclusion of wax worms in your bearded dragon’s diet. Your bearded dragon should only eat wax worms in moderation.
Wax worms can be a nice treat for your beaded friend. It has a fat content that can be unhealthy for your bearded dragon when given too often.
Note: Dead worms do not have the same nutritional value that live worms do. Always opt for live worms.
This article will shine some light on the pros and cons of feeding wax worms to your bearded dragon. We will also touch on the nutritional value, preparation, and safety when given to baby bearded dragons.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Wax Worms?
Yes, bearded dragons can eat wax worms and generally enjoy doing so. Wax worms are flavorsome and, their fat content gives a lot of taste. They are highly palatable due to their soft bodies making them easy to swallow.
Wax worms should not be given as a staple food for a bearded dragon because they are low in nutrition compared to other insects.
Nutritional Aspects of Wax Worms
According to Grubco, wax worms contain the following nutritional value:
Moisture % – 61.7
Protein % – 15.5
Fat % – 22.2
Fibre % – 7.7
Calcium, ppm – 283
Phosphorus, ppm – 2161
Ash % – 1.02
Ca:P ratio – 1:8
From the above nutritional profile, it is clear that these feeder insects are incredibly high in phosphorus with relation to calcium. They are also rich in fat which accounts for 22.2%, and poorer in protein at 15.5%
Pros Of Feeding Bearded Dragons Wax Worms

Wax worms are a good supplement for malnourished beardies and bearded dragons that are under-eating or off their staple.
Despite the wax worm’s low calcium to phosphorus ratio, it provides a decent amount of moisture that helps in hydrating your bearded friend.
Wax worms also give a respectable contribution of protein to your bearded dragon’s diet. Protein is needed to help with growth, good health, and well-being.
The high-fat content makes the worms more tasteful and flavorsome for most bearded dragons.
Wax worm’s small size makes them easy to swallow, and their soft body makes them easy to digest.
Cons Of Feeding Bearded Dragons Wax Worms
Wax worms are very high in fat and very low in protein. These are not suitable and can lead to issues with weight gain or even growth problems in younger bearded dragons.
The low calcium level and high phosphorus level blocks calcium from being absorbed into your bearded dragon’s bloodstream. It is a concerning issue since calcium deficiency will cause metabolic bone disease.
Your bearded dragon can become a picky eater after consuming wax worms.
Are Wax Worms Safe To Feed Baby Beardies?
Baby and juvenile beardies require more protein. Insects should make up a more significant proportion of their diet. They also eat more frequently but in smaller portions than adult bearded dragons.
Your baby bearded dragon can be fed 3-5 wax worms per day spread out across several feedings. These feedings should be along with other insects.
We caution you not to feed wax worms to your baby beardie as a staple food. It is much too fatty for your baby to consume regularly.
How To Feed Wax Worms To Your Pet Dragon?
Since wax worms do not offer many nutrients, they should only be given to your beardie as an occasional treat once a week or every other week.
You should procure your wax worms from reputable sellers who have raised and harvested worms for reptilian consumption.
Your bearded dragon’s diet should mirror its age and size. Bearded dragons under a year old should consume 70% insects and 30% plant matter. They need to eat 3-5 meals a day.
Bearded dragons over a year must consume closer to 70% plant matter and 30% insects.
When feeding wax worms to your bearded dragon, it must be in a shallow, escape-proof dish. Placing the worms on greens can help promote your beardies consumption of health-promoting food.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Dead Wax Worms?
We would not recommend that you feed your bearded dragon dead wax worms. Live worms tend to wiggle around the container and are beige, while; dead worms appear black and stiff.
Bearded dragons prefer eating the worms while they are alive. By feeding your beardie dead worms, you place them at health risks. You don’t know what killed them, so be cautious.
Bearded dragons can eat wax worms as long as it is not too frequently. They are some of the best worms in the diet of any under-eating bearded dragon and get them to eat more plant matter and other nutritious foods.
Make sure to read before you decide to give other worms to your pet dragon. Even the healthiest insect can have dangerous side effects.
Continue to read our main article “What do Bearded Dragons Eat?” for all the ins and outs on general diet questions, and get a further detailed breakdown of other popular foods in the articles below:
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