what do harbor seals eat

What Do Harbor Seals Eat?

Written by: Gemmali Dizor

Harbor seals are captivating marine mammals that live along the Northern Hemisphere’s coastal waters. Notorious for their playful personalities and distinctive spots on their coats, harbor seals also have an intriguing diet that deserves further investigation. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what these fascinating animals eat and how they obtain it.

Understanding the diet of harbor seals is vital as it provides us with valuable insights into their behavior and ecology. By knowing what these animals eat, scientists can better comprehend their role within their ecosystem and the potential effects that changes to their environment may have on their survival.

What Do Harbor Seals Eat?

Harbor seals are carnivores, meaning they eat meat. Their diet primarily consists of fish but they also take in other marine animals like squid, octopus, and crustaceans. Common fish species that harbor seals consume include herring, cod, flounder, and salmon.

Harbor seals are opportunistic feeders, meaning they will consume whatever is readily available and easy to catch. Their diet varies based on season, location, and available prey; for instance, in summer months when salmon runs high in some areas, harbor seals may consume more salmon than normal during other times of the year.

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How Do Harbor Seals Acquire Their Food?

Harbor seals are expert hunters, capable of taking down prey both underwater and on land. Their aquatic lifestyle has evolved with several specialized adaptations that enable them to capture and consume prey with ease.

Harbor seals possess one of the most remarkable adaptations: they can dive and remain underwater for extended periods of time, with oxygen saturation levels of up to 30 minutes and depths exceeding 500 feet. This enables them to hunt for fish and other prey in deeper waters where these animals may hide.

Harbor seals possess excellent vision, both inside and outside the water. This enables them to locate prey quickly and monitor its movements. Furthermore, harbor seals possess sensitive whiskers known as vibrissae which enable them to detect fish movements or other underwater prey.

Harbor seals have powerful jaws that can crush their prey into smaller pieces with the force of over 100 pounds per square inch, allowing them to swallow whole or tear it into smaller pieces. When harbor seals catch their prey, they often swallow it whole or tear it into smaller pieces with their sharp teeth. Harbor seals often consume crustaceans and other hard-shelled creatures with ease.

Factors Affecting Harbor Seal Diet

As previously discussed, the diet of harbor seals can vary based on several factors. One major influencer on their nutrition is the availability of prey. When certain fish species are more plentiful in certain areas, harbor seals may consume more of those particular fish species.

Seasonal changes can also influence the diet of harbor seals. For instance, during winter months when fish supplies are less, these seals may rely more on other prey items like squid or crustaceans for sustenance.

Human activities can also influence the diet of harbor seals. Overfishing and pollution can reduce prey availability, making it harder for harbor seals to find food. In certain areas, harbor seals may even compete with commercial fishermen for the same fish species.

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Harbor Seals and Ecosystem Function

Harbor seals play an integral role in the marine ecosystem. As predators, they help control fish and other prey species’ numbers as well as provide food for larger predators such as killer whales and sharks.

Harbor seals are an integral component of coastal communities’ food webs. They provide sustenance to indigenous peoples and recreational fishermen alike.


Harbor seals are amazing creatures that have adapted well to life in the water. Their diet primarily consists of fish but they also feed on other marine creatures such as squid and crustaceans. Harbor seals tend to be opportunistic feeders, taking whatever food is readily available and easy to catch. Their diet varies depending on the season, location, and availability of prey items.

Harbor seals possess several adaptations that enable them to capture and consume their prey. They can hold their breath for extended periods, have keen eyesight and sensitive whiskers that help them locate and track prey, as well as powerful jaws which can crack open hard-shelled animals.

Harbor seals’ diet is heavily influenced by several factors, including prey availability, seasonal changes, and human activities such as overfishing or pollution. As predators, they play an essential role in managing fish populations and other prey species while providing sustenance for other predators such as killer whales and sharks.

In conclusion, harbor seals’ diet is an integral component of their ecology and behavior. By understanding what they eat and how they obtain their food, scientists can gain a better understanding of how these animals function within the marine ecosystem and the potential effects changes may have on their survival.

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