do sharks eat other sharks

Do Sharks Eat Other Sharks?

Written by: Gemmali Dizor

Sharks are often thought of as ruthless predators, hunting down their prey with razor-sharp teeth and relentless hunger. But what happens when one shark encounters another of its own kind? Can sharks be cannibals, preying on their own species for sustenance? The answer is yes, in some cases, sharks do eat other sharks.

The Prey and Predator Dynamic

Sharks have a diverse diet, including fish, seals, sea lions, and even marine mammals. The type of prey a shark feeds on is often determined by its size, species, and habitat. However, in some cases, the competition for food and territory can lead to sharks preying on each other.

Smaller shark species, such as the dogfish, are often preyed upon by larger sharks, such as the bull shark or the tiger shark. This is particularly common in areas where food is scarce, and the larger sharks are forced to turn to their own kind for sustenance.

In other cases, it is not necessarily a matter of hunger that drives one shark to attack another. Some shark species, such as the blacktip shark, are known to be aggressive and territorial and may attack other sharks to defend their territory.

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The Importance of Understanding Shark Behavior

It is important to understand that while shark-on-shark predation does occur, it is not a common occurrence. Most shark species have evolved to avoid conflicts with their own kind and will usually only attack another shark if they feel threatened or if food is scarce.

Additionally, it is also important to note that not all shark species are capable of eating other sharks. For example, the great white shark is one of the largest shark species, but it is not known to attack or consume other sharks.

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The Role of Humans in Shark-on-Shark Predation

Human activities, such as overfishing and habitat destruction, can also play a role in increasing the frequency of shark-on-shark predation. When food becomes scarce, sharks may be forced to turn to other sources, including other sharks, to survive.

Moreover, humans also play a role in creating conflicts between shark species. The introduction of non-native species, such as bull sharks, into new habitats, can lead to competition for food and territory with native shark species, increasing the likelihood of shark-on-shark predation.


In conclusion, while shark-on-shark predation is not a common occurrence, it does occur in some cases. The type of shark and its habitat plays a significant role in determining whether a shark will prey on its own kind. Understanding shark behavior is crucial to gaining a deeper appreciation of the complexities of the ocean’s ecosystem and the role that humans play in affecting it.

So, now that you know that sharks do sometimes eat other sharks, we hope you will continue to explore the fascinating world of these majestic creatures and learn more about their behavior and habitats.

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