do rabbits eat cucumber plants

Do Rabbits Eat Cucumber Plants?

Written by: Gemmali Dizor
Last updated on:

Whether wild or domestic, Rabbits are herbivores that feed on grasses, leaves and other plant materials. Their digestive systems have been specially designed to break down fibrous vegetation into essential nutrients and minerals for them. In the wild, rabbits will often nibble at various plants to meet their dietary requirements.

Can Rabbits Eat Cucumbers?

Absolutely, rabbits can enjoy cucumbers as a treat but only in moderation. Cucumbers contain low calories and plenty of water content, making them an hydrating snack for rabbits; however, due to their lack of nutritional value, cucumbers should not be included as part of your pet’s regular diet.

Rabbits Are Attracted to Cucumber Plants

Cucumber plants provide rabbits with essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin K, potassium, magnesium. Furthermore, the high water content in cucumbers provides hydration during hot summer months.

Palatability and Taste

Rabbits are naturally attracted to the fresh, tender leaves of cucumber plants. Cucumber leaves and stems are soft enough for rabbits to chew through, making them a preferred food source in gardens.

Effect of Rabbits Eating Cucumber Plants

Damaged Crops

Rabbits munching on cucumber plants can do extensive damage to your garden. Rabbits quickly defoliate your cucumber plants, leaving them unable to produce fruit – this is particularly detrimental for gardeners who rely on their harvest for sustenance or income.

Rabbit Health Risks

Rabbits may eat cucumber plants, but eating too much could cause digestive issues. The high water content in cucumbers causes diarrhea in rabbits which could lead to dehydration or other serious health complications if not addressed promptly.

Tips for Protecting Your Cucumber Plants From Rabbits

Fencing and Barriers

One of the best ways to protect your cucumber plants from rabbits is by installing fencing or barriers around your garden. Make sure it’s at least two feet high as rabbits have been known for their agility; additionally, bury it at least six inches underground so rabbits cannot dig under it. Chicken wire or hardware cloth make great garden fencing options due to their affordability and effectiveness.


Another method to deter rabbits from eating your cucumber plants is using repellents. There are various commercial rabbit repellents on the market or you can make your own using ingredients like garlic, hot peppers or essential oils. Apply the repellent directly onto plants and surrounding area; however be sure to reapply after rain or irrigation as the repellent may wash away with rain or irrigation.

Plant Selection and Companion Planting

Selecting plants that rabbits find unappealing can help protect your cucumber plants. Planting these less desirable flowers around the cucumber plants acts as a natural barrier, with examples including onions, garlic, and strong-smelling herbs like rosemary or sage.

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Cucumber Plants Are Safe Alternatives for Rabbits

Leafy Greens

Instead of providing your rabbit with cucumber plants to munch on, offer them a variety of leafy greens such as kale, romaine lettuce and spinach instead. These vegetables are packed with essential nutrients which make them healthier choices for your rabbit’s diet.

Hay and Pellets

Hay should make up the majority of a rabbit’s diet, as it provides essential fiber and aids digestion. Timothy hay or other high-quality hay should always be available for your rabbit. Providing them with small amounts of rabbit-specific pellets also ensures they receive all essential nutrients.

Treats and Snacks

From time to time, you can offer your rabbit small amounts of fruits and vegetables as treats. Favorites include apple slices, carrot tops, bell pepper pieces – just remember to introduce new items gradually and in moderation so as not to upset their digestive system.


Rabbits often nibble at cucumber plants, and their appetite for their tender leaves and stems can cause extensive damage to your garden. To protect your cucumber plants, consider using fencing, repellents, and strategic planting techniques. It’s also essential that you provide your rabbit with a balanced diet of leafy greens, hay, and pellets in order to keep them healthy and prevent them from overindulging on cucumber plants.


Do rabbits eat cucumber fruits as well?

Yes, rabbits will consume the fruits of cucumber plants but their primary attraction lies in their tender leaves and stems.

How Often Should I Reapply Rabbit Repellent?

Reapply rabbit repellent as needed, especially after rain or watering as it can wash away. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for optimal results.

Can Rabbits Eat Other Garden Plants?

Absolutely. Rabbits enjoy eating a wide variety of garden plants, especially leafy greens and tender stems.

Are There Any Plants Poisonous to Rabbits?

Unfortunately, certain plants such as foxgloves, lily of the valley and rhubarb leaves can be toxic to rabbits if eaten. Therefore it’s essential that your pets remain away from these toxic plants in order to avoid poisoning them.

How can I tell if rabbits are eating my cucumber plants?

Signs that rabbits have been nibbling away at your cucumber plants include chewed leaves and stems, rabbit droppings, and tracks around the garden.

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