do deer eat garlic

Do Deer Eat Garlic?

Written by: Gemmali Dizor
Last updated on:

The short answer is no, deer do not typically eat garlic. While deer are known to eat a wide variety of plants and vegetation, garlic is not a preferred food source for them. In fact, some people use garlic as a natural deterrent to keep deer away from their gardens.

The Diet of Deer

Deer are herbivores, meaning they feed mainly on plant material such as leaves, stems, and bark. Their diet varies depending on the time of year and the location, but in general, they prefer to feed on tender new growth, flowers, and fruit. They also eat acorns, nuts, and other seeds. In urban areas, deer may feed on ornamental plants and vegetables in gardens.

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Using Garlic as a Deterrent

While deer do not eat garlic, some gardeners and homeowners use it as a natural deterrent to keep deer away from their plants. Garlic has a strong odor that deer find unpleasant, and they will typically avoid areas where garlic is present. To use garlic as a deterrent, gardeners will crush fresh garlic and sprinkle it around the plants they want to protect. They may also soak garlic cloves in water and use the mixture to spray the plants.

How Effective is Garlic as a Deterrent?

The effectiveness of garlic as a deterrent varies and is not always a guarantee. Some deer may be deterred by the strong odor of garlic, while others may not be affected. Additionally, if the deer are particularly hungry or if there is a shortage of other food sources, they may still feed on plants even if garlic is present. The best way to use garlic as a deterrent is in combination with other measures such as physical barriers, motion-activated sprinklers, and deer-resistant plants.

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Other Natural Deterrents

There are other natural deterrents that can be used to keep deer away from gardens, including:
Blood meal: a byproduct of the rendering process of animal blood, which has a strong odor that deer dislike.
Soap: bars of soap placed near plants can also help to keep deer away.
Human hair: placing clumps of human hair around the garden can be effective in deterring deer, as they are afraid of human scent.
Coyote urine: this is sold commercially and is marketed as a deer deterrent, as deer associate the scent of coyotes with danger.


In conclusion, deer do not typically eat garlic. However, some gardeners and homeowners use garlic as a natural deterrent to keep deer away from their plants. The effectiveness of garlic as a deterrent varies and is not always a guarantee, but it can be used in combination with other measures to help protect plants. There are also other natural deterrents that can be used to keep deer away, including blood meal, soap, human hair, and coyote urine. By using a combination of these deterrents and planting deer-resistant plants, gardeners can protect their gardens and enjoy a bountiful harvest.

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