Can Cows Eat Chocolate?

As animal caretakers, we want to ensure that our animals never go hungry, and that they eat nutritious and healthy food. Here are a few things to consider when asking the question: “Can Cows Eat Chocolate?”

As known herbivores, Can Cows Eat Chocolate?

It may come as a delightful surprise to know that cows can definitely chow down on some chocolate. Certain farms even mix a trail mix of rejected chocolate from candy companies with bakery waste of bagels and pieces of bread as part of their feed. Chocolates can be fed to cows year round because those bovine beasts can digest and metabolize chocolate, unlike most other animals, Mixed with their regular diet, chocolates can be given to cows beyond thirty months, or two and a half years old.

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What is Chocolate?

Chocolate is the byproduct of fermenting, drying, roasting, and grinding seeds of the Theobroma cacao plant. As an integral part of most desserts such as cake, brownies, mousse, and other sweets, this is usually mixed with sugar and cream to enhance the flavor and overall experience. For the past 4000 years, this delicious dessert can be traced as far back as the Aztec civilization of Central America, who prepared it in the form of a bitter drink.

Benefits of Eating Chocolate for Cows

  1. Chocolate aids in the production of Wagyu – Studies as far back as 2012 have shown that when cows eat chocolate, their meat becomes more tender. The marbling of the beef, the aroma and quality of the meat, all improve after cows make chocolate part of their diet.
  1. Chocolate makes the meat taste better – because Chocolate gets processed by the body, the cows meat also comes with a hint of sweet chocolatey goodness when prepared. The beef becomes more juicy and delicious, with a unique nutty, aromatic, and chocolate flavor. 
  1. Chocolate locks in the flavor and tenderness – with the magical help of chocolate, the added flavor does not go up in smoke when the meat is cooked. Just like an excellent marinade, the excellent taste stays in the meat longer.
  1. Chocolate Improves Milk Production – not only does chocolate trigger more milk production, it also helps dairy cows to produce better quality milk than non-chocolate consuming cows.
  1. Chocolate helps cows to grow and gain weight – Because of the added milk component and fat content, chocolate helps cows to bulk up and beef up. Bigger cows mean more meat and excellent produce.
  2. Chocolate has antioxidants – Health-wise, cows also benefit from eating chocolates. With antioxidants in its content, chocolate helps cows to fight free radicals and prevent diseases such as cancer.

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The Danger of Cows Eating Chocolate

Almost none. Cows can pretty much feast on chocolate but not too much. However, immature cows may experience some complications when they consume chocolate. Young dairy cows can end up producing less milk yield. Cows less than 30 months May also risk getting poisoned since they are unable to properly digest and metabolize the sweets yet. Excessive sweating, hyperexcitability, increased respiration and heart rate can all bother young calves as an effect of eating chocolate.

In Summary : Cows can enjoy every bit of chocolate, when they’re bigger.

With the laundry list of benefits, cows can definitely enjoy chocolates in all its many shapes, forms, and variations. However, cows need to be at least thirty months of age to fully appreciate what chocolate can give without health complications.

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